April’s Testing Winds of Change


  • The ACT has been acquired by a private equity firm, is becoming a for-profit, 并且正在试验一种新的较短长度的数字测试. 
  • 从今年秋天开始,哈佛大学和加州理工学院将重新要求所有申请者参加标准化考试. 

ACT Goes For-Profit, and Perhaps Adaptive? 

This Wednesday, ACT announced a new partnership Nexus Capital Management是一家位于洛杉矶的私募股权公司. 该声明用大量的文字修饰了新闻的核心内容,但以下是基本事实:  

  • Nexus资本管理公司将成为ACT公司新的多数股东.  
  • ACT和它的招生服务子公司Encoura正在合并,并从一家互联网公司转型 non-profit structure to be a for-profit entity. 
  • There will still be a legacy nonprofit organization, name TBD, that focuses on education and workplace success. This part is still pretty fuzzy.  


ACT also released a more detailed FAQ page, but to this reader it feels like what they’re not saying matters more. 在过去披露的三个财政年度中,该组织遭受了近8000万美元的净亏损, 随着较短的自适应数字SAT的成功推出,吸引了更多学生的兴趣, 他们很可能正处于一个转折点,这关系到他们的生存和相关性. 注入资金的目的可能不仅仅是为了让它们继续营业, 而是资助创新和改进他们的产品组合.  

To that last point, we’ve also recently learned (滚动到最底部)今年6月,ACT将进行一项缩短数字考试体验的新试点. Students are being offered a chance to potentially 尝试一种新的数字“更短的ACT考试”,“题目更少,每个部分的时间更短”.” 

This is distinct from their wider digital ACT pilot, 简单地将现有的纸笔ACT考试形式转变为基于计算机的考试平台. 它提出的问题比我们得到的答案要多得多——他们会通过适应性缩短考试时间吗? If this study goes well, 他们为所有学生推出了一种新的数字自适应测试格式, 他们会放弃继续提供笔试的承诺吗? With new investors and owners focused on profitable growth, 我们会看到ACT的考试形式比SAT更短吗, 随着问题的变化,吸引青少年的注意力持续时间缩短?  

我们将密切关注ACT公布的有关未来考试的更多信息, 一旦我们知道任何可能影响您测试计划的消息,我们一定会及时通知您. 


Two More For Testing    

On the heels of fellow highly selective colleges Dartmouth, Yale, Brown, and the University of Texas at Austin, Harvard and Caltech announced this week that 从今年秋季开始,标准化考试成绩将再次成为申请者的必备条件.  

In Harvard’s case, 从长远来看,要求测试的回归是意料之中的, but unexpected this spring – as they had previously committed to staying test-optional through the college class of 2030, 这意味着现在高中三年级和二年级的学生可以在没有考试成绩的情况下申请吗. They join the University of Tennessee-Knoxville 作为唯一一所取消之前规定的考试选修时间的大学. 

对于加州理工学院来说,他们最初在2020年转向免试是一个为期两年的实验 later extended to five years, so they were due to give an update. Caltech’s return to testing is something of a surprise, 因为他们的招生办公室经常谈论他们在之前的免试政策下识别和录取每个班级的能力. In terms of the return, the rationale seems to be that 基本上我们招收的所有孩子都有有效的考试成绩, and more data points are better for admissions



——本科招生执行主任Ashley Pallie 


So, what do these testing changes mean for you? 

  1. For current Juniors and Sophomores: 密切关注你的大学名单上的学校的考试政策, 因为我们预计会看到更多的高选择性院校重新要求SAT/ACT成绩.   
  1. 对于所有想要进入名校的家庭: 除了为数不多的免试学校, 你会想要在SAT或ACT考试中取得一个有竞争力的分数, even for those schools that remain test-optional. 在这种情况下,你仍然可以选择没有分数的申请, 但你不应该在申请之前就“退出”测试.  
  1. 如果你已经放弃了ACT,而选择了长度更短的数字SAT, watch this space closely: Assuming the ACT’s June pilot goes well, 他们很有可能会效仿美国大学理事会(College Board)的做法,缩短考试时间,减轻学生的痛苦, 同时可能会保留一些使ACT考试与众不同的方面——比如科学部分和阅读段落中较低的文本复杂性.  


Want to see where you stand on a FREE practice exam? 

我们提供ACT, Digital SAT和PSAT/NMSQT的免费练习考试. After completing a practice exam, 您将收到一份免费的分数报告,显示正确和错误的答案, 以及详细的概念细分,以重点提高分数.

Register now! 点击这里浏览即将到来的考试时间表,并报名参加你感兴趣的练习考试.


By Ben Neely
本担任革命准备的首席研究和影响官, 学习和谈论入学考试和学生在追求学术卓越所面临的挑战. After beginning his career as a high school math teacher, Ben曾在课程开发和工程管理方面担任职务, 她花了20多年的时间帮助家庭在学习过程中做出最好的决定. Ben earned his B.A. in Physics from the University of California, Berkeley and has been with Revolution Prep for 15 years.